What is hypotonus?
Following brain injury the muscles affected are unable to set their required baseline tone to maintain posture and produce movement. The tone is lower than would be expected in a normal muscle at rest.

How does this affect the person?

  • Muscles affected are either unable to move at all or the movement is sluggish.
  • Limbs affected can feel and look floppy.
  • Muscles don’t readily change their tone in response to changes of position.


What are the risk factors?

  • Muscles which are hypotonic can become spastic over time.
  • Muscle and joint structures are vulnerable to damage if pulled or left unsupported.
  • Pain may develop as a result of damage.

How to Help:

  • Good support of the trunk and affected limbs can reduce the above effects (Postural Management and Seating).
  • Giving adequate support to assist movement and time can be helpful.
  • Hypotonic muscles fatigue easily therefore providing rest periods can be helpful.


Hypotonus vs Weakness