When preparing the patient for discharge from hospital or rehabilitation, continuity of care is important. Clear and detailed care plans for the management of nutrition and hydration should be given to the patient, family and care providers. The care provider needs to understand the rationale underpinning the care plans and be able to implement them.  Therefore carer education and training is of paramount importance to ensure that the patient’s nutrition and hydration is successfully and safely managed during the transition period and on an ongoing basis.  Referrals should be made to the community Dietitian, Speech and Language Therapist and other relevant professionals for follow up as necessary.  The patient’s General Practitioner should be provided with all the relevant information relating to the patient’s needs.

Discharge care plans may include information about:

It is important that the patient’s nutrition and hydration continue to be monitored in the community as their needs may change and there may be a requirement to amend the original care plans.  For example nutritional needs may change according to the person’s activity levels, energy expenditure and physical health