The prime purpose of effective management of Dysphagia is to ensure that the person:

  • Receives adequate food and drink as safely and effectively as possible.
  • Gains and maintains health benefits associated with maintenance of good nutrition and hydration.
  • Retains as much as possible the pleasure and enjoyment normally associated with eating and drinking.

Effective management of dysphagia can reduce the risk of choking and aspiration and improve nutritional status whilst decreasing the health risks associated with inadequate nutrition.  Additionally, effective management can help the person benefit from brain injury rehabilitation, contribute to the maintenance of quality of life and support the person to gain as much pleasure as possible from eating and drinking.

Prior to any assessment or intervention related to the management of dysphagia, appropriate consent should be sought and documented.  If the person lacks the capacity to give informed consent, assessment and intervention may need to be provided under the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000.

Treatment of Dysphagia
Texture Modification
Other Strategies to Support Eating and Drinking
Important Extra Things to Consider in Dysphagia Management
A Team Approach to Dysphagia Management